Nowadays, Web Development Services as a booming sector, possessing high demand for skilled developers in various domains. If you are preparing for an interview in this field, you need to make your basics clear as it impacts your performance. You need to have in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge to crack the interviews and get a job. We at Career Boss offer Web Development Courses with comprehensive syllabus and make students job-ready.
We’ve come up with a list of Web Development Interview Questions, including both advanced and basic topics, along with answers.
Ans. To website manufacturers, the most convention markup is HyperText Markup Language otherwise known as HTML. It easily structures content on the web with the help of paragraphs, headings, links, lists, and many more.
Ans. HTML is highly flexible along with syntax rules, while XHTML seems to be a strict version of HTML that needs to abide by XML rules.
Ans. That’s why Cascading Style Sheets or CSS is generally used to style HTML content. CSS controls colors, layout, fonts, and overall appearance of various web pages.
Ans. Inline - Styles are directly applied to elements with the help of style attributes.
Internal – They are written in the style tag in the head section of the HTML document.
External - Styles get stored in separate files and is linked to HTML files with help of link tag.
Ans. JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that is used in assembling website pages. Moreover, it could handle events and could communicate with servers.
Ans. Basic JavaScript data types possess number, string, object, boolean, null, undefined, bigint, and symbol.
Ans. Hoisting serves as a default behaviour in JavaScript, especially at the top of current scope.
Ans. Document Object Model or DOM serves as a programming interface for various HTML documents “Html Development Course”. And, it showcases the page so that scripts could modify the content and layout.
Ans. It has been deemed as lightweight and fast but packed with features JavaScript with jQuery specifically intended to enhance HTML documents.
Ans. Event delegation serves as a technique in which a single event listener gets added to the parent element. This enhances the overall performance.
Ans.Tags serve as the building blocks of HTML , as it defines the format and structure of web pages, like, for headings.
Ans. HTML5 serves as the more advanced or latest version of HTML. it provides new features, including video embedding and enhanced multimedia support.
Ans. id serves an unique identifier for a single HTML element, while class could be taken in use on numerous elements.
Ans. Four areas which are included in the CSS box are padding, content, margin, and border, and this model has the ability to show how items get placed.
Ans. Margin is simply the space between an element and other elements surrounding it whereas padding is the space between an element and its border.
Ans. It is a CSS layout model that swiftly arranges all elements within a container that offers responsive and best designs.
Ans. It is a two-dimensional layout system that offers more control in designing of web pages in comparison to Flexbox.
Ans. var - It is function based and could be re-declared.
Let - Block based or scoped, but not re-declared.
Const - Block scoped and not re-assigned.
Ans. These are tags that properly describe its meaning in human or machine manner along with provision of extra information, like
Ans. Block level type of elements spans the entire width of the container and starts from a new line and on the other hand inline level elements only span only the width required and do not start a new line.
Ans. Flexbox makes the tasks easy, while CSS Flexbox makes the complex designs more easy to work upon.
Ans. These are ‘things’ which represent the possibility of accomplishment of any undertaking or its failure in the end. Moreover, promises offer a clean and more managed method to handle operations.
Ans. It is a JavaScript feature where the inner function grabs access to various scopes. Closures are created when any function is created.
Ans. This in JavaScript refers to a context in which a function is done. And, its value is known by how a function is called, either in constructor or in global context.
Ans. It stands for Immediately Invoked Function Expression, and it is quickly executed after it gets launched. It creates local space.
Ans. Arrow functions serve as short syntax that is used for writing, and it offers small methods to write functions.
Ans. Its full form is representational State Transfer, and is designed for networking applications that relies on client and server communications.
Ans. Well-known as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML serves as a technique that is used to create dynamic web apps along with proper updation of web pages.
Ans. These are interfaces that enable various developers to connect with web services and technologies along with integration of various functions.
Ans. It stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, which is a robust security feature that refrains web pages to make requests to some other domain unless enabled by the server.
Ans. It serves as an approach towards web designing that makes sure that web pages go well on various devices while offering proper viewing experience along with easy to read content.
Ans. It is known as a JavaScript library that is used to build user interfaces, and is maintained by numerous developers.
Ans. It is a platform that builds single page client applications with help of HTML. Moreover, it offers the best set of tools that helps in testing, development, and deploying of web applications.
Ans. It serves as a progressive JavaScript application that is used for building best user interfaces. It is specially designed to be adoptable, and you could use it in high amounts or in little.
Ans. It serves as a cross-platform open-source as it enables developers to execute JavaScript outside web applications. It offers efficient network applications.
Ans. It is a quick and efficient web application, as it offers robust features for building up mobile and web applications.
Ans. Props or properties are the inputs given to React components, enabling the data to get shared between various components, making the data more dynamic.
Ans. Cross-Site Scripting, or XSS, is when attackers inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. This can lead to stealing sensitive information or performing actions on behalf of the user. Always sanitise user inputs and use content security policies to prevent XSS!
SQL injection is like someone messing with your restaurant order to get free food. To prevent it:
- Use parameterized queries or prepared statements
- Validate and sanitise user inputs
- Limit database permissions
- Use stored procedures
Remember, never trust user input!
Minification and compression are like packing for a trip:
Minification is like rolling your clothes to save space. It removes unnecessary characters from your code without changing its functionality.
Compression is like using a vacuum bag to shrink your luggage. It uses algorithms to reduce the size of your files during transfer.
This question is all about equality, but with a twist!
For example:
5 == "5" // true
5 === "5" // false
We’ve tried to cover all the important interview questions on web development. To start a career in this segment, or to clear interviews, enrol at our Fullstack Development Course.
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